RLAM’s GMAPs Risk Rated By FinaMetrica

RLAM’s GMAPs Risk Rated by FinaMetrica

Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) are delighted to announce that the Global Multi Asset Portfolios (GMAPs) have been mapped to the FinaMetrica risk tolerance scores.

The GMAPs are a range of six multi asset funds designed to offer investors diversified exposure across different asset types in line with their investment objectives and appetite for risk. The Funds are all actively managed and combine strategic and tactical asset allocation with the aim of maximising real return over the medium to long term, subject to a given level of expected risk.

The Funds’ strategic benchmarks were constructed in consultation with Moody’s, while tactical portfolio positioning is influenced by the Investment Clock, a model linking the global economic cycle with the performance of various investments. The Funds invest across RLAM’s range of actively managed fixed income funds and low cost equity trackers as well as property, commodities and cash.

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Posted: 3/03/2017 10:27:30 AM by FinaMetrica Pty Ltd